
The plane of the future: Holographic Projections and Invisible Floors

As soon as 2030, we might be flying in a new "fantasy plane" with a lightweight model with curled wings and a U-shaped tail. Oh, and invisible floors!!
The walls and the floor can turn "invisible" so you can have a better sense of the landscape below. That one sounds both amazing and absolutely terrifying.
The Airbus Concept Plane has high-tech interiors, which include the holographic projections of virtual decors, allowing travelers to transform their private cabin into an office, bedroom or Zen garden.
Charles Champion, engineering executive vice-president at Airbus, said: "Our concept plane represents an engineer’s dream about what an aircraft could look like in the long-term future. It’s not a real aircraft and all the technologies it features, though feasible, are not likely to come together in the same manner".

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