
The Flying Luxury Hotel

Unlike its dirigible ancestors, the Aeroscraft is not lighter than air.
Its 14 million cubic feet of helium hoist only two thirds of the craft's weight.
This is not a Blimp, it's a sort of flying Queen Mary 2 that could change the way you think about air travel.
During the flight, passengers would peer at national landmarks just 8,000 feet below or, if they weren't captivated by the view, the cavernous interior would easily accommodate such amenities as luxury staterooms, restaurants, even a casino.


  • Purpose: Long-range travel for passengers who are more concerned with the journey than the destination.
  • Dimensions: 165 feet (height) x 244 feet (width) x 647 feet (length)
  • Max Speed: 174 miles per hour
  • Range: 6,000 miles
  • Capacity: 250 passengers

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